I'm Rania!
An entrepreneur and writer with unshakable faith that believes ANYTHING is possible. I'm dedicated to helping you manifest a life that will truly make you happy.
With all my love! Xoxo
"Being able to identify the mind's structured limitations opens the door to a life of infinite possibility."
-Rania DiBacco
was born with a passion to serve. My business started with a vision in the middle of my recovery from a 15 year battle with eating disorders and addiction. I became passionate about learning the power of the mind and realized I could create a life I'd love.
The journey was simple but it wasn't easy. I was inspired to become the woman I'd dreamed of but I never truly believed I could change. If I could create lasting change in my life I knew I could help others do the same.
My life wasn't about me anymore. It was about all the woman that feel trapped like I did but don't know how to free themselves. Their voice of doubt has taken over and seems impossible to silence.
The voice that says she will fail every time she thinks about taking a step towards her dreams. The voice that reminds her that she's not good enough as she stares in the mirror wishing her reflection was different. The voice that makes her believe something is wrong with her because her relationships never seems to work out. The voice that makes her feel like she's never doing enough or better yet.... She'll never be enough!
Believe me, I GET IT!
Being a woman in todays society is not only hard but exhausting. Let me tell you it doesn't have to be. We should be our own biggest supporter and loudest cheerleader but somehow we've learned to beat ourselves up before anyone else has the chance.
We've lost touch with the tender parts of our being that gives us strength, in order to protect ourselves in a world that pretends to be strong. We develop strength when we are brave enough to take off the mask and embrace what we try to hide with love.
Transformation starts with curiosity and compassionate inner exploration!
It's impossible to change what you are not conscious of. Transformation starts with curiosity and compassionate inner exploration.
Sacred Serenity is total body wellness. I'm here to help you cultivate lasting transformation and become the person you most desire to be.
Sacred Serenity circle, 1 0n 1 coaching, & on-line programs/courses will always be heart led and heart centered. The circles/blog/videos will be a place of transparency to help others gain strength through the power of vulnerability.

Are you ready to love the skin you are in while consciously creating your life?
Are you ready to release doubt & negative thoughts?
Are you ready to live a happier & healthier life?
Are you ready to let go of fear and start taking action towards your dreams?
Are you ready to take off the mask and let the world meet the magical being that you are?
Are you ready to cultivate deeper intimacy within your relationships?
Are you ready to let go of self-sabotaging patterns and receive all that you've been asking for?
"Awakening is a return to ourselves in the present moment while experiencing the love that we are and had always been but temporarily forgotten."
-Rania DiBacco

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Sacred Serenity