Sacred Serenity Circle
Dance in the Darkness to Awaken the Goddess Within
Step Into Your Personal Power
and Consciously Create the Life of Your Wildest Dreams by Practicing Our
3 Secrets to Sacred Living.
Join Sacred Serenity & La Perla Boudoir for an evening that will transform your life forever.
Event Details

November 14, 2020
Only $25.00
Transform Your Life For
Are a survivor of any form of trauma
Often feel lonely, abandoned, misunderstood, or taken for granted
Find it hard to create or maintain nourishing bonds within relationships
Experience adversity in business
Seem to attract partners that are emotionally unavailable, controlling, or toxic
Feel like you are stuck or being held back in life
Struggle to feel confident
Have repetitive thoughts or flash backs of past experiences
Battle with unhealthy addictive behaviors

This circle was created for YOU!
- Vivian Greene
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about
learning how to dance in the rain."
When there are fragments of your past still living within you they influence your experience of reality today.
We have created this event to restructure those thoughts and clear a path to joy and fulfillment!
We are meant to be an expression of unconditional love and forgiveness but our mind and body can hold onto experiences that create low vibrational feelings within us.
Causing us to create a future just like the past!
It's time to let go of the past to create a future beyond your wildest dreams!
When women come together to support the healing of each other, we create a deep bond of sisterhood as we resurrect the Divine Feminine within each of us.
This powerful experience allows divine harmony in one’s life.
The outcome is a deep feeling of wholeness, joy, and clarity creating an internal peace that is reflected onto every scenario in our outer world.
These connections heal us at the soul level.
We heal the world by healing ourselves because we are Mother Earth.
One Sacred Circle...
One Sacred Sister...
...At a Time!

This Empowers You to...

Stand in your power.
Have confidence to speak your truth.
Create a life true to your Divine Path.
Express your unique gifts.
Lift the veil of illusion to reveal truth and release the need of certainty.
Empower others to step into who they really are.
Maintain a deep love for yourself, your body, your circumstances and your experiences by forgiving the world.
Support other women through their journey of self-discovery.
Release expectations to allow love to blossom in your life.
Build trust in the Divine; to know you are always protected, always taken care of, and always exactly where you are supposed to be.
Join Your Sacred Tribe

Goddess you were created to be?
Are you ready to feel like the...

Awaken Your Inner Goddess & Reclaim
your POWER.
Save Your Spot
Join the Sacred Serenity Circle
to free yourself from the past and create the future you dream about.
Your Divine Destiny awaits you.
Who We Are

Sacred Serenity

Mariah Cain and Rania DiBacco are the Founders of Sacred Serenity.
Sacred Serenity was birthed after our relationship became a vehicle to teach us how to discover our authentic needs, reveal our deepest truths, and heal our unconscious wounds without judgement.
It started as a vision for women to come together and celebrate the Divine Feminine and embrace the sacredness of sisterhood in a safe space as we explore our deepest truths, together.
It's a journey of resurrecting the Divine Feminine and healing the wounded masculine.
Authentic connection combined with transparency creates a bond that invites the experience of real intimacy that has the power to heal the collective wound of competition, comparison, and judgement.
We could see how these unconscious wounds sabotaged our connection within relationships.
When unconditional love becomes the foundation of a relationship we are given the opportunity to be fully seen without judgement so we can expose the lies and remember the truth of who we really are.
We release the need for external validation and show up in relationship to give.
We return to love.
This transformation helps us create a deep connection with Self which empowers us to show up authentically and consciously create a life beyond our wildest dreams.
Life becomes a practice of Sacred Living.
Join The Sacred Serenity Circle's Private Group to create meaningful connections with incredible women, just like you!
It's time to meet your Sacred Sisters.

La Perla Boudoir
I’m Irina, the founder, creative director and lead photographer at La Perla Coastal Boudoir!
Photography wasn’t actually my original plan in life. I thought sociology was my calling. Then I fell in love and moved half way across the world to be with the man of my dreams.
I changed continents, I changed jobs in search of a way for my creative personality to make a difference. Soon after giving a birth to our daughter (over a decade ago!) I experienced the magic of boudoir (major boost of confidence!) and since then it has become my mission to show women their beauty, strength and uniqueness though the art of photography.
Here at La Perla Boudoir we customize every session and help our clients to embrace their individuality and sensuality and provide them with an unforgettable experience.
Imagine seeing your gorgeous portraits for the first time - those are some of the most emotional moments! Boudoir photography has changed my life and I can’t wait for it to change yours!
Join La Perla's Boudoir VIP Private Group to surround yourself with likeminded supportive women.